Thursday, September 1, 2011

Food Plan Journey-Feeling Nourished

Suggestions for a FEEL NOURISHED Food Plan: Part One


Hi, I’m Johannah, a compulsive overeater. I’ve been in recovery from food addiction since 2001 and have enjoyed long periods of abstinence where I have refrained from binge eating and purging.  I have had relapses too. I would like to share what I have learned about my disease, including what I eat.

As I have learned more about my eating disorder and my body, I have realized that many of the food plans that I have tried in the past did not support me nutritionally. I have adopted too many plans and diets where I felt I was white knuckling .   I call it the “stuffed/not nourished or not fed” feeling.  Where I would eat a typical “abstinent” meal that was mostly protein and veggies and feel full but not satisfied.  It turned out these plans were actually restrictive even though I got plenty of volume.  I call it restriction disguised in bulky low cal foods. I was abstinent and changing my behavior but I was still physically hungry.

I went to a nutritionist a few years ago who specializes in eating disorders. This experience with a professional filled in some of the missing pieces for me-things that I wasn’t able to learn in my 12 step program.  She told me I was restricting calories by over consuming vegetables and protein and that I was under eating carbohydrate and fat.  She also told me I could eat anything in moderation. But, as a food addict, I know in my core that certain foods trigger the obsession and compulsive food behaviors.  My biggest trigger foods are sugar and refined carbohydrates. 

When I first tried the nutritionist’s suggestions, I could not refrain from compulsive overeating. I now know it’s because I tried to eat binge foods in moderation at her suggestion. When I made the shift to whole foods in the proportions she suggested (sans sugar and flour), abstinence became easier for me. No more white knuckle hunger which would inevitably lead to relapse. I was surprised at how much I needed to eat to feel satisfied and nourished. 

I adopted a low fat vegan food plan in Feb 2011 though I had been abstinent from Feb 2010. For me the cravings are less on this food plan and my health has improved a lot. My blood pressure has gone down, my psoriasis is gone!, and my mood and energy is improved.

So that is the background for my Feel Nourished food plan.

Tomorrow: more specifics on developing a food plan including what and how much.

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